360° Accident Repair Service for Vintage Cars

Repair work and insurance coordination under one roof

  • Highest-quality repair
  • Claim settlement directly with the insurer
  • Close coordination with all parties involved


Comprehensive initial consultation

You are welcome to schedule an inspection appointment. During this appointment, we will subject your vintage car to a detailed examination and discuss the next possible steps with you. If your vintage jewel is not roadworthy, you can have it collected by our transport service, which is specialised in transporting historic cars. Alternatively, we can visit you for an on-site inspection.

Cost approval from the insurer

Should you decide to have repair work carried out by us, our next step is to contact the insurer. At this stage, the scope of the repair work and the costs are agreed so that the work can begin. In close cooperation with you and with the insurance company’s appraiser, we prepare a detailed cost estimate for the repair work. Throughout the process, we are always available to support all parties involved and to answer their questions.

Instandsetzung Ihres Oldtimers

Repair of your vintage car

Once the costs have been approved, we immediately begin the repair work. We draw on all the expertise and experience that we at SCHAD Originale have to offer. The name SCHAD Originale is synonymous with highest-quality restoration, and we are one of the best vintage automotive restorers in Europe. In the course of the repair work, every step is precisely documented, and any variation from the original repair plan is discussed with and approved by all parties involved before any work is carried out.

Fertigstellung und Abrechnung

Completion of work and billing

As soon as the repair work is completed, your precious vehicle is returned to you. We bill the repair costs directly to the insurers, leaving you free to immediately begin enjoying the pleasure of driving your vintage car again.

Feedback from our customers

Out of passion for cars

At our Vintage Car Restoration Workshop, we have been taking care of automotive treasures for more than 30 years. With fine craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technologies, we repair and restore historic cars with the greatest possible authenticity.

In doing so, we draw on the whole range of experience available at SCHAD Originale. All necessary work is carried out by highly qualified experts. Several master craftsmen are employed in every area. We produce many replacement parts ourselves, crafting them by hand. In our bodywork and painting workshop, we can flawlessly reproduce even historical paints. With our patented anti-corrosion protection, we preserve original car bodies for the ages. And at our location in the Klassikstadt, the vintage and classic car centre in Frankfurt am Main, we specialise exclusively in vintage Mercedes-Benz and Porsche models.